How i Choose my Lake Nasser Cruise ?
Consider taking a fantastic Lake Nasser cruise in Egypt with Maestro Online Travel, which gives you the chance to discover many of the country's treasures and monuments through an outstanding and one-of-a-kind Lake Nasser cruise. You may also visit several important temples. Have a magnificent Lake Nasser Cruises with Maestro Online Travel to learn ancient history and civilization through magical sailing from Abu Simbel to Aswan. You will explore numerous archaeological sites, see wonderful places, and enjoy shooting photos to be a beautiful memory for this unique vacation.
Learn more about Egypt and don't pass up the opportunity to visit many beauties on one of the most incredible Lake Nasser Cruises, Start your cruise by touring a mystery building from Egyptian history that belonged to King Ramses II. By reading the kadesh battle inscriptions on the temple walls, you can learn more about the war, Visit the Small Temple of Abu Simbel, which belonged to Neftari, King Ramses II's wife, and visit the Sanctuary of the temple, which is thought to be the darkest spot in the temple and has roughly four sitting statues.
Explore Amada Temple, which was erected by king Thuhmosis II in the New Kingdom and is thought to be one of the Oldest Nubian Temples, while taking advantage of beautiful and wonderful Lake Nasser Cruises Packages through a wonderful Sailing to the magical Place Kaser Ibrim Then, you must see the King Ramses II-built rock-cut temple (Temple of El Derr) in Nubia, as well as Panut Tomb, which belonged to a Nubian governor during that time.
Finish off your experience with a wonderful sailing trip to Wadi El Soboua Temple, which King Ramses II erected during the New Kingdom and embellished with several Sphinx in the entrance and Osirid Statues in the Open Courts, Get ready to explore the Kalabsha Temple, which was built during the Roman Period. There, you will find many significant historical records that were engraved on the temple walls. Next, head to the Beit El Wali Temple, which belonged to King Ramses II and is regarded as the first of a series of temples that belong to him in Nubia.
Escape the crowds and take an unforgettable vacation to experience the beauty and breathe in fresh air. You will also have the option to choose whether to begin your cruise from Aswan to Abu Simbel or Abu Simbel to Aswan. You can select a Cruise from the great category of Egypt Lake Nasser Cruises to travel to Aswan.
1- Prince Abbas Lake Nasser Cruise.
2- Nubian Sea Lake Nasser Cruise.
3- Kasr Ibrim Lake Nasser Cruise
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