What is Lake Nasser Cruises ?
Make your ideal holiday come true with Maestro Online Travel, feel beautiful on a Lake Nasser cruise, and see the beauty of ancient Egyptian sites. With Lake Nasser Cruises, explore Wadi El Seboua, gaze at the Temple of Dakka, then go out in search of the Temple of Meharakka and other sites. The banks of Lake Nasser are characterized by their dry and hot natural desert. It was formed primarily for water storage but it still has a number of archaeological sites like Abu Simbel Temple, Penout Temple, Kalabsha Temple, and more with Lake Nasser Cruises. Lake Nasser is the largest man-made reservoir in the world, covering approximately 6.600 km2, containing approximately 162 billion m3 of water, and having a population of about 1 million people in Egypt and 1 million people in.
Maestro Online Travel will assist you in having a memorable, relaxing, and opulent vacation on board Movenpick Prince Abbas, where you can explore ancient wonders like the Temple of Amada and gaze at the Abu Simbel Temple. These wonders of ancient Egypt and the history and mystery that fill the banks of Lake Nasser are both important to the company. The Abu Simbel Temple is the largest and most enigmatic building in Egyptian history, and it is dedicated to Amon Ra, Harmakis, and Ptah. It is situated on the southern border of Egypt, not far from Sudan, and was built for Pharaoh Ramses II.
As seen from the front, the youngest of the four statues of the Pharaoh seated on his throne on the front signify his approaching years. Get ready to be astounded by the grandeur of the world's most breathtaking structures, with the Pyramids of Giza at the top of the list and ranking as Egypt's second-most popular tourist destination. Learn more with Lake Nasser Cruises packages.
Maestro Online Travel is ideal for tourists seeking higher levels of luxury and relaxation. They assist you in feeling lovely while taking the MS Eugenie Lake Nasser Cruise, admiring Abu Simbel, stopping at the magnificent Meharakka Temple, and then exploring Wadi El Sebua. Around 150 miles from Aswan, on the east side of Lake Nasser, is where you'll find the Wadi es Sebua Temple, This temple, like most other Nubian monuments, have been rescued and relocated 4 km north from their original locations to escape the rising water of Lake Nasser and more with cruise Lake Nasser. It had a historical significance because it was the second-largest Nubian temple after Abu Simbel Temple, was dedicated to the god Amun, and was also built by Ramses the second. Wadi el Sebua means "Valley of the Lions."
With Maestro Online Travel, you can enjoy the splendor of the Nile River and learn about the riches of historical significance. You can also take the MS Kasr Ibrim Lake Nasser Cruise, delight yourself with the shiny treasures on the Kasr Ibrim Citadel, and stand in awe of the Abu Simbel and Temple of Dakka. After being inundated by water with the construction of the High Dam, the Temple of Dakka is situated on the location at Wadi es Sebou, The temple's pylon is now separated from the rest of the temple due to the missing enclosure walls of the open court. This temple's decorative theme was never competed and more with Lake Nasser Cruises Egypt. It was built in collaboration with Ptolemy II and Agher Amon who was Nubian King. Like most of the other Nubian monuments, it was converted into a church during the Christian era.
If you're eager to experience the MS Nubian Sea Lake Nasser Cruise with Maestro Online Travel while in Egypt, you should also explore Wadi el Sebua and gaze up at the Temple of Amada while seeing the glistening sights like Abu Simbel Temple. Temple of Amada, built by Thutmose III in the 18th dynasty, is regarded as the oldest Nubian archaeological site at Lake Nasser. Although it is a small temple, it has a fascinating panoramic view, especially while sailing on Lake Nasser. King Thuhmosis II honoured the successful campaigns led by King Senusert III of the middle kingdom in Nubia by building this temple.
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